Monday 2 July 2007

Day 15 - Made it to Edinburgh

The last day we cycled up from the Scottish Borders arriving at the Western General Hospital to a welcoming crowd of supporters and families. To our great surprise, Maggie and Tom Abraham had both medals and framed awards which were presented. It was great to have got home safely and with a successful ride round Scotland. Our families were pleased to see our safe return!! We faced going back to work but the final charity ball was still to be held on the following Friday. The team are deeply grateful for all the sacrifices our families, Maggie and Tom made for the Wee Cycle to happen. We will remember the 'Wee Cycle' forever!

Saturday 9 June 2007


We have started the day with another hearty breakfast, with a fairly easy day in sight, we are looking forward to finishing our challenge and getting back to our families and friends. We plan to arrive at the Western General at 3pm.

Day 14 - Arrived in Hawick

We set off from Dumfries, via Locherbie, where we almost got lost again. We headed via the Tibetan Centre climbing steadily through the Eskdalemuir Forest and pushed onto Peebles to make the final day an easier finish for our weary bodies.

Day 13 - Arrived in Dumfries

We started off the day with some bike maintenace where 3 pairs of tyres and tubes were changed following 2 blowouts. We quickly warmed up with a big climb towards Kilbirnie, and then proceeded to get lost in Kilwinning ! We admired the Ayrshire countryside and continued onto Dumfries through rolling countryside. Arriving exhausted at Rory and Sally Young's, they cooked us up a barbie, and we retired early to prepare for the next days cycle to Hawick.

Day 12 - Arrived in Largs

Today is a part rest day. We started off the day with good weather and a short cycle to Loch Gair. The Abraham's, Tom and Maggie, picked us up in their wee boat, where Rodge, Sasha, Angus, Mark and Duncan took a cold plunge into Loch Gair.
We had a good lunch and whilst Mark was enjoying the scenery of the Kyles of Bute ,the rest of us fell asleep on board. Tom and Maggie, treated the team to a fantastic meal at Finns Restaurant in Largs that night, and we slept on board preparing for the next day. A great way to spent a recovery day.

Day 11 - Arrived in Inverary

Ann Sweeny took great care of us at the Braemar B&B helping wash and dry all our cycling gear. After a good nights sleep, with subdued spirits we started off from Fort William late morning and got back on track. We faced another steep climb in to Glencoe, followed by a descent down to the beautiful Glen Orchy, where we stopped to admire the many scenic waterfalls.
We carried on to Inverary into bright weather finishing a long but safe day cycling.We stayed in great accomodation in a converted church at the The Newton B&B.

Tuesday 5 June 2007

Day 10 - The Accident

On entering Fort William in heavy traffic, we stopped suddenly at the traffic lights, and the pack started to bunch up. There was a pile up and Kevin, lost his grip and fell off his bike into the middle of the road, with a serious impact on his shoulder against the road. We recovered him to the side of the road, and administered First Aid, and took him to A&E in Fort William. The Doctor confirmed a fractured collar bone, and he had a badly cut eyelid. His dissapointment was considerable, and felt by the rest of the group. Mark drove Kevin to Perth to meet up with his Family.

Kevin, whilst dissapointed with the fall, took the accident with good grace, and wished us all luck on our continued journey around Scotland