Sunday 3 June 2007

Day 8 - Arrived in Dundonnell

The extra miles covered yesterday proved valuable as the day started with very strong head winds.Kevin had an accident 8 miles into the ride when his tyre glanced off another rear wheel in the pack. This resulted in some cuts and bruises, and his rear mech was damaged and un-repairable. Kev bravely got back on the spare bike which was adjusted for him to get back on the road with the team. We continued up steep gradients, with very hilly terrain and ever-changing scenery in the most North-West coast.We lost time with this morning’s crash and we stopped briefly in Ullapool for a very late lunch. We still had 35 miles to cover, including the steepest ascent yet.The team managed the last section in good time, pressing on with an extra 5 miles after a nice 10 mile descent!We got back to the hostel after 8, and had pasta for dinner…The new drivers, Anna and Callum, spent the afternoon adjusting to our already perfected navigation techniques. It is now time for Duncan and HervĂ© to head home.Time for bed – another gruesome day awaits…

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